Fit to Finish Drills: Lead Blocks & Pulls

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Fit to Finish Drills: Lead Blocks & Pulls

Fit to Finish, or sometimes referred to as “Brace + Squeeze”, starts the player engaged in contact using the Buckle Fit. Players learn how to use the opposite foot to create a 90˚ Brace Foot where power from the ground and hips will be directed from. After gaining confidence in this drill, advance to the… Continue reading Fit to Finish Drills: Lead Blocks & Pulls

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Teeter Drill with Harness: Troubleshooting Errors

For most players, the missing link in understanding how to fully uncoil the hips is the “Teeter”. This drill uses a harness to allow players to feel and develop the slight teeter transition of weight prior to the uncoil.

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“Teeter” w/ Harness Drill

For most players, the missing link in understanding how to fully uncoil the hips is the “Teeter”. This drill uses a harness to allow players to feel and develop the slight teeter transition of weight prior to the uncoil.

To access this post, you must purchase Digital contact certification plus drills.