The “Wrench” is an effective counter to a Rip pass rush. This technique compromises the opponents posture, causing them to fold in half
The “Wrench” is an effective counter to a Rip pass rush. This technique compromises the opponents posture, causing them to fold in half
The “Hay-Bail” Refit is an effective counter to a Bull Rush. This technical placement of the hand and elbow allow the OL to tap into the power of their hips
The “Hop From Refit” is an effective counter to a Bull Rush. Players develop the muscle response to counter pressure backwards by implementing the hop
The “Sling” is an effective counter to a Bull Rush. Players learn how to quickly torque the opponents by using their momentum against themselves
The “Refit Drill” develops and reinforces muscle memory to regain control of an opponent when the player’s hand are not in an ideal location. This drill should be done as much as possible in order to create a habitual pattern
The “Partner Hop” Drill reinforces the mechanics of the “Brace Hop” by being forced to only use the lower body to stop the oncoming pressure
The “Over the Line” drill is the first drill in the “Brace Hop” progression. This drill teaches players how short the hop backwards should be by giving them a visible point of reference
The “Hop” introduces the most effective means of defeating the Bull Rush
This video covers various aspects of posture and progressions of using independent hand strikes in pass protection
Tip of the Spear founder, Scott Peters, teaches aspects of pass pro posture and progressions of independent hand strikes to former Stanford OC Mike Bloomgren