The Fit to Finish drill reinforces players to close and climb with their hips after contact. Developing and training this skill combats the instinctual response of taking a long “greedy” step after contact.
The Fit to Finish drill reinforces players to close and climb with their hips after contact. Developing and training this skill combats the instinctual response of taking a long “greedy” step after contact.
The Bridge Series: Blocking in Space contains a variety of drills to develop the Bridge Fit (previously called “Shake Fit”) for 1 on 1 blocks out in space. Static Strike FINAL Shake Fit Overview SHAKE FIT DYNAMIC STRIKE FINAL FIT TO UNCOIL COIL TO FIT(Shake Fit) C to B FREEZE
The Bridge Series: Blocking in Space contains a variety of drills to develop the Bridge Fit (previously called “Double Under”) for 1 on 1 base blocks on the line of scrimmage. Double Under Coil to Fit Brace to Fit (Double Under) Double Under Fit to Uncoil
This video highlights the effectiveness and mechanical process of the Double Under (Bridge Fit) used for 1 on 1 base blocks